package com.java21days.banko; import javax.swing.ImageIcon; import javax.swing.JButton; public class Button extends JButton { // the button's position public int row; public int column; // the button's state (-2 money, -1 cleared, 0 uncleared) public int state; // the number of adjacent money bags public int near; // true if this is a money bag that has been found public boolean found; // the game board private final Board board; // the two bag graphics private static ImageIcon unknownBag; private static ImageIcon moneyBag; // create a new button Button(Board board, int row, int column) { super(""); // store the board that contains this button this.board = board; // store the button's position this.row = row; this.column = column; // set up button graphics (if necessary) if (unknownBag == null) { unknownBag ="unknown_bag.gif"); moneyBag ="money_bag.gif"); } // set up the button setup(); } // set up the button for gameplay public final void setup() { fill(); state = 0; near = 0; found = false; // remove the background color (from a previous game) setBackground(null); } // reveal an unopened bag in the square public void fill() { // give this button the unopened bag icon setIcon(unknownBag); // remove the label setText(""); // enable the button setEnabled(true); } // reveal an empty square and count adjacent money bags public void clear(boolean clicked) { if (clicked) { /* this square was manually cleared by the user, so tell the frame to charge the player */; } // remove the icon setIcon(null); // tell the button it is clear and disable it state = -1; setEnabled(false); if (near > 0) { // reveal that one or more money bags are nearby setText("" + near); } else { /* inspect the buttons above, below, left, and right of this one */ Button above = above(); Button below = below(); Button left = left(); Button right = right(); /* if any of these buttons is clear and has no money bags nearby, clear it -- using recursion to fan out around the board */ if ((above != null) && (above.state == 0)) { // clear the button above above.clear(false); } if ((below != null) && (below.state == 0)) { // clear the button below below.clear(false); } if ((left != null) && (left.state == 0)) { // clear the button to the left left.clear(false); } if ((right != null) && (right.state == 0)) { // clear the button to the right right.clear(false); } } } // reveal a money bag public void revealMoney() { // give this button the money bag icon setIcon(moneyBag); // remove the label setText(""); if (!found) { /* this bag has never been found, so tell the frame to award money to the player */; // tell this bag it has been found found = true; } } /* these four directional methods inspect four buttons adjacent to this one, returning null on the edges of the game board */ public Button above() { if (row > 0) { // return the adjacent button return board.square[row - 1][column]; } // return null to indicate a board edge has been passed return null; } public Button below() { if (row < board.rows - 1) { return board.square[row + 1][column]; } return null; } public Button left() { if (column > 0) { return board.square[row][column - 1]; } return null; } public Button right() { if (column < board.columns - 1) { return board.square[row][column + 1]; } return null; } }