import nu.xom.*; public class RssFilter { public static void main(String[] arguments) { if (arguments.length < 2) { System.out.println("Usage: java RssFilter rssFile searchTerm"); System.exit(-1); } // Save the RSS location and search term String rssFile = arguments[0]; String searchTerm = arguments[1]; try { // Fill a tree with an RSS file's XML data // The file can be local or something on the // Web accessible via a URL. Builder bob = new Builder(); Document doc =; // Get the file's root element () Element rss = doc.getRootElement(); // Get the element's version attribute Attribute rssVersion = rss.getAttribute("version"); String version = rssVersion.getValue(); // Add the DTD for RSS 0.91 feeds, if needed if ( (version.equals("0.91")) & (doc.getDocType() == null) ) { DocType rssDtd = new DocType("rss", ""); doc.insertChild(rssDtd, 0); } // Get the first (and only) element Element channel = rss.getFirstChildElement("channel"); // Get its element Element title = channel.getFirstChildElement("title"); Text titleText = (Text)title.getChild(0); // Change the title to reflect the search term titleText.setValue(titleText.getValue() + ": Search for " + searchTerm + " articles"); // Get all of the <item> elements and loop through them Elements items = channel.getChildElements("item"); for (int i = 0; i < items.size(); i++) { // Get an <item> element Element item = items.get(i); // Look for a <title> element inside it Element itemTitle = item.getFirstChildElement("title"); // If found, look for its contents if (itemTitle != null) { Text itemTitleText = (Text) itemTitle.getChild(0); // If the search text is not found in the item, // delete it from the tree if (itemTitleText.toString().indexOf(searchTerm) == -1) channel.removeChild(item); } } // Display the results with a serializer Serializer output = new Serializer(System.out); output.setIndent(2); output.write(doc); } catch (Exception exc) { System.out.println("Error: " + exc.getMessage()); exc.printStackTrace(); } } }