import nu.xom.*; public class RssStarter { public static void main(String[] arguments) { // create an element to serve as the document's root Element rss = new Element("rss"); // add a version attribute to the element Attribute version = new Attribute("version", "2.0"); rss.addAttribute(version); // create a element and make it a child of Element channel = new Element("channel"); rss.appendChild(channel); // create the channel's Element title = new Element("title"); Text titleText = new Text("Workbench"); title.appendChild(titleText); channel.appendChild(title); // create the channel's <link> Element link = new Element("link"); Text linkText = new Text(""); link.appendChild(linkText); channel.appendChild(link); // create a new document with <rss> as the root element Document doc = new Document(rss); // Display the XML document System.out.println(doc.toXML()); } }