Bloglines Smashed My Atom 1.0 Feed

Something has gone wrong with my Atom 1.0 feed in Bloglines. The feed's valid, but the text of each weblog item is followed by lines like this:

These four lines are the contents of several Atom elements that should not be displayed to readers of the feed.



As you said, your feed is valid, and furthermore, I don't see anything obvious wrong or even unusual with it.

I've reported this to a friend at BlogLines.

P.S. Nice use of & in the title of the previous post.

I've been noticing it on certain blogs myself. I'm always getting a bytehead at the end of my own feed with Bloglines, although that seems to be coming from the beta of Blogger. I think.

I thought I would try to validate my feed just to see what's up, and the validator is throwing 500's. I can't see anything else myself about any of the feeds that are causing Bloglines to do that.

I don't know what you or Bloglines fixed, but your feed is showing like it should now.

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